Metersbonwe casual brand summer classic black and white dress fashion trend

November 05, 2022

Metersbonwe's summer classic black and white costumes, wear personality me.

Be Yourself brave to be yourself

Walk on your own path

What do people like to follow?

Adhere to personality, there is a new height of fashion

VR is a trick thing I still don't understand very much

There is a direct feeling of truth in life

In the virtual world, I only know myself in my beauty camera

"What is the charm of the white deer?"

Fxxk What You Heard!

You must not want to listen to the burden again

Just want to relax and release pressure

Life is more than poetry and distance

Heavy backpacks make it very slow to go to school

Get Out

Now I'm only struggling to get to the distance you want to go

"Choice is more important than talent"

You can't decide your talent

But you can choose what you want ABCD

Escape from the pressure on you

As long as you relax and be happy

It is important that many young people are together

Who knows who and who to travel with

And who lit the slogan of life,

Live your personality and write your own story

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